Saturday, April 13, 2013

Hadley Marie: 18 Months

Our big little girl Hadley Marie is 18 months old.  She is 34 1/4" tall and 29.7 pounds which puts her right at the bleeding edge of the charts for each.  She's a big girl, but she's proportional.

Every so often we capture the illusion that they're not always picking and poking (and pulling hair - Hadley!) at each other.  Makes my heart happy!

She loves to color just like her big sister.  Anything her big sister does, really.

We went sledding for the first time.  She yelled "mooo" (her version of "no") but then squeeled in delight once she was going.

Our little monkey.  Always climbing onto anything she can get to.  I don't have a picture, but the way she climbs up onto chairs is to flop across on her belly and then drag her body up (Dave calls it her Shamu impression).

My good eater.  I made some oatmeal and handed her a spoon and she just started shoveling away.

She didn't require much assistance at all for her first Easter egg hunt, she was spying them on her own just fine.  I should have suspected since she's always into EVERYTHING.

Her first ponytail!

She's cut three more teeth this quarter - all within the space of a couple of weeks.  She's always climbing, running (with crazy legs flying in all directions and a giant dimpled grin on her face), and dancing.  A little non-stop ball of energy.  Lots of new words have been added - "bay-bee" is so cute when she says it.  She knows most of her body parts and will point out her own or other's belly button, nose, mouth, eye, ears, etc...  She seems to be fascinated with socks and shoes and repeatedly says "sock" or "shoe" when it's time to put them on.  She surprised me with a very clear "'scuse you" when I said it to her after she burped a little.  If you catch her in the right mood she'll lay some big ol' open mouth baby kisses on you!

I sing to her when I put her to bed each night, always beginning with Row, Row, Row Your Boat.  She's started asking to be sung to by saying "woa, woa, woa" - so super cute, and I'm pretty sure she's the only one who's ever asked me to sing.  I have no illusions that I have a nice singing voice.

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