Monday, July 23, 2012

Hadley Marie: 9 Months

Hadley has been nine months for oh, about three weeks now, so I thought it was about darn time to get an update.  I take all sorts of pictures, but with it being pretty warm, I haven't wanted to sit in the warm office to edit photos.

She's weighing in now about 23 lbs. and 30 inches long, which puts her above the 96th percentile line for weight and well off the chart for height..  Hadley is a BIG girl!  When we see other babies her size when we're out and about, they're invariable well over one year old.

Her personality is really starting to shine.  She blows raspberries all the time and laughs readily.  She is so interactive and after I wipe her face after a meal she will take the wipe and put it on my face - she thinks that is hilarious!

We had to go through all of Arden's toys that are in common areas and sort out the unsafe toys becase she is into everything!  Especially if it's a shoe, a cord, or my phone.  It's almost as if you sit her down and she looks around thinking to herself "what in this room does Mommy not want me to get into?" and then she makes a beline for it.

She put the car in drive this month and now is motoring all over the place.  So much so that she was giving herself rugburns on the top of her feet and knees from following a boy at daycare around.  Older men, always getting girls into trouble!  Amost immediately after beginning to crawl she started working on pulling up to stand.

She is very content to play for long stretches by herself.  She wants to know that someone is near, but they don't have to be alongside for her to stay occupied.  It's a good thing that Arden has broken the cats and dogs in, because Hadley is bound and determined to catch whichever animal is daring enough to stay in her vicinity.

Hadley has fully graduated to finger foods and I think we're going to have a swifter transition away from purees than Arden.  She really enjoys feeding herself and within just a week or so of introducing goodies like blueberries, avocado, bananas, pasta, green beans, and corn she's chomping them down really well.

She especially likes blueberries!  Takes after Grandpa fishy (Arden's new nickname for my Dad).

The two teeth that made their way through at five months are now fully in place and she's beginning to suffer pretty badly from the next round of teeth.  From the look of things, the top two middle and perhaps another top tooth are on their way.  Not a happy camper!

And the nine month collage.  I wish I had been more consistent about how I positioned her and where I cropped the photo so you could see the growth more easily, but it's still fun to see how she matures over the months.

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