Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hadley Marie: Three Months

Hadley continues to be a super baby.  I posted on Facebook today that I feel like I've won the Mommy lottery.  In an unscientific at-home measurement, she weighs 15.6 lbs. and is 24.75" long.  This puts her in the 100th percentile for weight and 90th for length.  Go Chubba-Chunk!

She's been sleeping through the night for three weeks now.  And when I say sleeping through the night, I mean the entire nigh - she'll crash around 8 or 9 pm, then I'll do a dream feed around 10 or 11 pm and then she doesn't wake on her own until 7 or 8 am.  I usually wake her at 6 am to feed her and then put her back down while I get Arden up and around.  She just goes right back to sleep and we don't hear a peep from her until it's time to load her in the carseat.

She's super happy and smiley - showing off her two dimples pretty regularly.  In the evenings she turns into quite the little chatterbox, cooing and babbling away for at least half an hour.  She loves to have her diaper changed - laughing and smiling immediately when we lay her down.  I'm not sure if it's because we're paying her close attention or if she just really doesn't like to be wet.  She also gives a good belly laugh when I'm getting ready to feed her.  I'm not sure if I should take that personally - I guess boobs are funny!

A development that dearls indirectly with Miss Hadley is that I have caught up to her with my milk supply, and am building up a happy stockpile.  I'm even thinking I might have enough soon to consider donating some excess milk (gasp!  I never thought I'd have enough extra!!).  I need to do some research to determine if and where I'd want to donate.  I have a friend who donates hers locally and advocates for that, but there are also national organizations that accept and process breastmilk.  I'm pretty excited to be in a position to possibly help some babies.

I love putting this little monthly collage together.  Next month she'll be in a different outfit, cuz those pants aren't going to fit for much longer!  She's pretty much in 6-9 month sleepers, and I'm starting to phase in that size for daytime clothes as well.  She's also in the Medium gDiapers, which means that Arden and Hadley use the same sized inserts.  Arden still wears a diaper for sleeping even though she wears panties for daytime.

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