Saturday, October 22, 2011

Establishing Routine

It's been nearly three weeks since Hadley arrived into our lives.  My body is recovering well, and we're all doing remarkably well with sleep and routines.  We were monitoring her weight gain closely for the first couple of weeks because she lost a couple more ounces between being discharged from the hospital and her well baby visit with her pediatrician.  I was trying to exclusively breastfeed, but we had to supplement with a little formula to meet her feeding demands and she went from 8 lbs. 2 oz to 9 lbs. in less than a week.  This is pretty much par for the course for us as we had to supplement Arden's feeding a little as well.

Arden has truly exceeded any expectations I had for her as a big sister.  She is very gentle with Hadley and completely unprompted says goodnight to her with things like "cutie pie" and "I love you".  She brings toys for her to look at and is always willing to help bring me things while I'm feeding Hadley.  We discovered that she can swap out DVD's on the machine in a much easier fashion than my father can!

The little fair isle sweater I knit for Hadley fits really well right now, so I've been devoting any free time I have to trying to finish Arden's matching one so I can get a picture of the two of them together before Hadley outgrows hers.  I have the back and both front pieces completed, leaving the arms and cowl to go. 

Hadley is a really sweet baby - we've taken to calling her mouse to Arden's monkey moniker since Hadley is pretty quiet except for some squeaks and squawks and happy little grunts while feeding.

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