Monday, November 5, 2012

Hadley Marie: One Year

I've had this post saved as a draft for over a month, waiting to do the final photo and collage on the quilt.  It's just not happening, so I'm going to just finish it before I forget what I want to say and come back later if I ever get the collage completed.

1 year.  52 weeks.  365 days.  525,600 minutes.  31,536,000 seconds.  And so many more moments and memories of Hadley's first year.  From the moment of her most impatient and timely arrival I have been completely smitten.  I think like most mothers of two or more children, I worried how I could love two daughters when I only knew Arden thus far.  Not a problem.  When you hear that love multiplies and grows, it's true.

She can be serious, but it's a different kind of seriousness than Arden.  Arden needs some time to get used to a new situation or environment, and sometimes she's just moody.  Hadley seems to be sitting and taking eveything in, waiting for the right moment to start squealing or bopping around.

Her hair is getting long enough for some creative hairstyles.  I'm still debating whether to cut bangs like Arden, or to let them grow out.  So far I'm leaning towards no bangs, or just light fringe.  Hadley doesn't have quite as high of a forehead as Arden, so I think it will look nice and give the girls a different look. 

At her birthday, Hadley had six teeth.  Shortly after, she added one more so she's sporting seven and has two more pushing their way through.  At her one year visit she weighed 24.8 lbs. and was 31 3/4" long.  That puts her in about the 98th percentile for weight and off the charts for height.  She's pushing the limits of some of the smaller 18 month clothes.

She's trying so hard to keep up with big sister.  Arden mostly lets her participate - I love her elaborate picnic set ups!  She has a thing about Hadley grabbing at her though - she'll wine "I don't want baby hands on me"!  Hadley's vocabulary is pretty strong for a one year old.  She says:  hi, hey, yah, da-da, mum, yum, (either Arden or "all done" - we're not entirely sure which, but either is impressive), some version of dog, and a squeely "kittie".  She also waves like Her Royal Highness wherever we go.  You know the screwing in a lightbulb beauty queen wave - yeah, that one.  Once she starts, she just keeps going, and going and going...

Aside from sleep disruptions when she's teething or growing, she sleeps solid from around 7:30 PM until 6:00 AM with a quick feed and then back down until 7:00 AM.  The six AM thing is almost scary, because she wakes up every morning almost exactly at the stroke of six.  Once in a while she'll be off by ten minutes, but that's the most her little clock is off.

She gives the best baby (or do I have to say toddler now? wah!) hugs and snuggles.  She sort of pats your shoulder while you carry her.  I think that's from my side.  We always say hugs come with pats and rubs, and Hadley has the patting thing down pat!

On to the next 31,536,000 seconds.  I hope they bring as much fun and laughter and adventure as your first, dear Hadley.

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