Sunday, May 27, 2012

Hadley Marie: 7 Months

Bring on the warmer weather and some more chunky baby skin!  Hadley's got the chubby baby thing down cold.  I don't have a weight for seven months since it was just an immunization visit for the pediatrician.  She takes her shots like a champ - only crying for a moment and then going right back to her happy-go-lucky self.  Love this baby! 

She's sitting up on her own and still working on crawling.  She can move in just about any direction she wants by rolling, spinning, or scooching - - except forward.  When she tries to go forward she just sort of teeters on her tummy and kicks her legs.  If it wasn't so frustrating for her it would be hilarious.

Both my girls have crazy thick and long eyelashes - most definitely not from my side.  Don't you just love a sleeping baby?

We've added Cheerios and some small soft foods into her repertoir.  She thoroughly enjoys picking them up and getting them into her mouth, but she's not at all sure she wants it there once it's in.

I did a six month photo shoot, even setting up a little natural light studio in Arden's room.  The backdrop is pink fabric that I used as a tablecloth for Arden's third birthday, and I piled up a few mattresses and some fuzzy blankets for Hadley to sit on.  Pink polka dots might be a little busy for a backdrop, hmmm?

Chubby baby fingers!

She was a little over the photo shoot at this point, so as proof that she does cry on occasion I threw this one in.

Shots on the quilt are getting a little more challenging.  Hadley finds playing with her feet or rolling over to be much more interesting than holding still and looking at me.

We went for our first family wagon ride and Hadley did great.  She sits so erect that she did fine, but it was a pretty chilly April day so she was all bundled up.  Arden was so pleased to be on a ride with her sister.
And finally the seven month collage - Yay!  PicMonkey added collage functionality so I was able to put one together at long last for this month.  I tried my darndest to use Photoshop Elements, but that just wasn't happening, so then I had a passable collage crafted in Picasa, but it wouldn't let me add the text so when I went to take that collage into PicMonkey I saw the collage feature.  They've got some nice shape stickers that Picnik didn't have, so I'm warming up to it a bit.