Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter 2012

As proof that I stepped away from flag production to celebrate Easter with my family, here are a few from an egg hunt we took Arden and Hadley to at our local state park and then dying eggs at home later that day.  I have more photos from Easter morning with baskets and another egg hunt at our house as well as a visit to my brother's house for yet another egg hunt, but those are still in the camera.

Did you hear that some egg hunts had to ban parents from the course so there wouldn't be problems with aggressive adults?  Insane.  Parents were allowed to walk with their kids but asked not to handle the eggs.  The older kids were on their own but were on a different section.

That's Erwin in the background.  We have three cats, two dogs, and two kids three and under.  It can get cra-z at times!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Hadley Marie: Six Months

Hadley is still growing like a weed - she had her 6-month well check yesterday and she is 19 lbs. 4 oz. and 28" long, which puts her above the 97th percentile for height and in the 95-97th band for weight.  So this means that at six months she's wearing nine month clothing, and there's not a whole lot of extra room.  Arden was like clockwork and would go into six month clothing right at six months.  If she keeps growing like this, Arden and Hadley will be wearing the same size at the same time.  Arden only outweighs her by a little over ten pounds right now...

I started her on solid foods a few weeks ago.  I had every intention of holding off until six months, but she was so interested in what we were doing at mealtime that it almost seemed mean to wait.  So far she's had sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli, apples, peaches, bananas, and pears.  She's done pretty well with everything except peaches - not a fan!  Even with eating she's pretty even-keeled.  She just clamps her lips together and sort of hums when she doesn't like something or has had enough.  She REALLY liked bananas - opened up her little birdie mouth every time she finished the previous bite.

She's getting pretty mobile in a roll-y, scootch-y sort of locomotion.  She can roll front to back and back to front no problem, but I've only seen her roll to her left.  She can almost sit up by herself and is really stable on our laps.  She goes bonkers jumping in her jumparoo - she shakes that thing so much I'm afraid she's going to bounce right out at times!

There's at least one tooth nubbin' working it's way to the surface right now.  She's super drooly some days and gnawing at her fingers (and my boob - have to work on that before teeth come for real!)

She likes hanging around with Daddy.  She also likes diaper changes when I can't resist those chunker thighs and have to chomp on them for a bit!  Watch out next month, because we're going to start seeing some more skin as the weather warms up.  Bring on the baby chub!