Thursday, March 29, 2012

Butterfly House

I took the girls to our local garden's Butterfly House this morning.  Hadley started out with a little snooze in the car to build her energy for the big outing.

These big butterflys were more than willing to perch on the visitors.  Arden wanted nothing to do with it, but Hadley didn't seem to mind.

It sort of looks like a big hair bow!

Still there!

And proof that Arden went along and I exist - here's a group shot of us; butterfly still included!  One of the staff from the house went to grab her camera because it was so cute and offered to take one of all of us with my camera.  I'm still getting used to handing my DSLR to people - everyone's so accustomed to being able to preview the image on screen that going back to the eye piece requires explanation.

I have done some sewing (other than nautical flag banners!), but Arden has been reluctant to model my creation even though she says she likes it.  Maybe tomorrow...

Entering in the spring challenge at:

Our Reflection Weekly Photo Challenge

Monday, March 12, 2012

First Food

We introduced rice cereal on Saturday - sorry for the unedited cell phone pictures, but I haven't had a chance to download the ones from my DSLR.

... and a little video.  I thought she was going to be way more into eating than she was, but she kept thrusting her tongue out and pushing the food down her chin.  I figured out the next day that I can sort of lay it on her tongue when it's out and then most of it will go in and stay there.  Oh, another new adventure!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hadley Marie: Five Months

Time marches relentessley on, and Hadley is now five months old!  I liked this photo of her because she sort of looks like she's posing.

I love the little kissy lips!  I think she's working on a tooth or something because she's started making this face a lot.

Hadley's still a super easy baby!  I keep realizing how lucky we are that she's sleeping so well - frankly anything is better than Arden, but Dave and I both still laugh when we put her into bed and she just goes right to sleep.  She had a few nights with some wakeups, but that seems to have been a growth spurt and she's back to normal now.  She's mostly been sleeping overnight in her crib, but since I like having her next to me in her cosleeper I've been pulling her in there after her dream feed a few nights lately.

We pulled the Jumparoo out of storage and she immediately went to town jumping and playing with the toys.  When we introduced Arden at about the same age we needed to put a pillow underneath and a couple of burp cloths around her to help her fit.  No props needed for miss Hadley - she reaches the floor no problem and isn't lost in the seat either.

Hanging out in her Bumbo seat.  We think it looks like she's holding a meeting or something.  She's sporting one of her head bands - I like them okay, but I don't put them on her very often.  Dave thinks head bands on babies are ridiculous but he puts up with them.  Love those cheekers!

Arden is still a super good big sister.  She calls her "baby Hadee".  When she kisses Hadley she says "I got some baby sugar!".

Awww... sisters!  Arden likes to hold Hadley, but only for a couple of minutes - then you better be ready because when she's done she pushes her off her pretty quickly.

Here's the five month collage - I can see she's filling out the little orange sweater and blue jeans a little better this month - in fact those jeans might not make it for 6 months!