Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hadley Marie: Two Months

Hadley is a little over two months!  I was waiting for her two-month well check to post this so I would have her updated measurements.  As of today, she is 14 lbs., 13 oz and 24" long.  That puts her at 97th percentile for weight, and 90th for height.  Looks like she's going to be tall, though not too surprising since I'm 5' 8" and Dave is 6' 5".

Here she is modeling some knits I had originally made for Arden; a little bolero sweater and a (raspberry?)beret.

She's turned out to be a really good sleeper, and has slept through the night on several occasions.  A typical night has her zonking out around 10 or 11 pm and waking around 3:30 am.  I'll get her up at 6 am to nurse and then back to sleep until after we get back home from taking Arden to daycare.  On days that Arden doesn't have daycare she'll sleep until around 7 or 8 am.  I'm pretty much caught up to her with breast milk, and only have to supplement with formula on rare occasions.

Arden continues to be enamoured with her little sister and likes to hold and feed her on occasion.  She offers her toys whenever I'm changing Hadley and makes sure she has a pacifier if she wants one.

Here's Hadley at one and two months for comparison.  She's not really as much larger as it appears, but I couldn't get the collage to be proportional.  My plan is to take a monthly picture of her on the quilt for the first year so we can watch her grow and change.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Baby Shoes

I made my first pair of shoes today!  I used a pattern from Amy at Naptime Crafter's Etsy store; Peekaboo Pattern Shop.  I won a giveway on Fingerprints on the Fridge a while ago and I had chosen as one of my prizes the Pleated Mary Jane shoe pattern.  Amy and I were both participants on Project Toddler Runway, so I was especially pleased to win this prize from her!

I needed tiny shoes for Hadley to go with her holiday outfit, but the smallest shoes at Target were too big for her.  Then I remembered my free patterns!  I had the houndstooth suiting from my inspired by boy-themed entry for Project Toddler Runway - Lil' Rascal, and the lining fabric was leftover from a baby quilt I made for a friend.  Woo-hoo!  Everything free and I didn't have to leave the house!

The pattern was really easy to follow and I made these start to finish with Hadley on my chest in her Moby wrap.  It made checking the fit really convenient, since her little feet were right at my waist!

They were a little difficult to maneuver and sew but I think this is purely because they were the smallest size.  I'll likely be making another pair very soon in the next size up so I'll let you know if it's easier!

I really like the little pearl snaps on the straps and the pink lining peeking out.

Monday, December 5, 2011

A Fair Isle Sweater for Big Sister

I did it!  I finally finished the second fair isle sweater for big sister Arden.

Here it is with the smaller version I made for Hadley.  I made this one size larger than the pattern was written, which involved a lot of figuring, so I'm really happy with how it turned out.

Don'tcha just love the fair isle part?  I wish it didn't go up all funnel-y, but I like it irregardless.  It works better on Arden because she actually has a neck.

I staged a mini photo shoot of the girls in their matching sweaters before Hadley completely outgrows hers.  You can see she's already testing the buttons...

I like this one - it looks like Hadley is tickling Arden.

Arden's such a nice big sister.  She likes holding Hadley and feeding her bottles.

Too bad Hadley was having some trust issues with letting her 2.75 year-old sister hold her!

I can't imagine how professional photographers manage to get two or more little ones with good expressions!  Do they swap out the heads in photoshop or something? 

So anyway, Arden's sweater should fit her through this season and likely the next, while Hadley's might fit through next week.  So sad. On the bright side there'll be more sweaters I had knit for Arden that she will grow into!